The bugle call "Taps" had its origins on a battlefield of the Civil
War. After the union suffered a large number of casualties in a battle near Richmond, Virginia, Brigade Commander Colonel Daniel Butterfield reflected with sadness upon the men he had
lost. Unable to compose music, he hummed a melody which his aid wrote down in musical notation. The company bugler played it that night to honor their dead comrades. Taps was
officially recognized by the United States Army in 1874. Accompanied by the drumbeat, Muffled Ruffles, it is the highest honor given to those who have died in service to our country.
James P. Kirk Kevith Traver Jack Sweeney
Robert M Burris Robert Harris Fred Bonesteel
Gene Kazmierczak Gerald L. Mack Sr. Charles Brewer
Richard Wooten Gerald A. Powell James Millis
William R DesJardins Jr. George P. Conway Richard Morey
Theodore J. Robles David Fix John Morgan
Timothy Poppen Roland Sandy Brian Newman
Stanley Michaud Richard J Smith William Parsons
Alfred W. Bennett Harold C Stone Erman Rowley
Albert Walz Jack Culp Sr Benton Russell .
Paul Tripp John F. Braxton John Siegler
Clare Sweeney Joseph Crown Jr James Ward.
Harry J Molosky Harvey Lesile Larry Liblong
Thomas Howard Collins Brian Newman Jeff Kauzlarich
Nelson L. Curell Martin Pruman
Gary M Rambow Jack L Dalgleish
Alice m Hobbins Elaine Fulton
Marjorie Muir Joyce Mennel
Beverly Toole Lydia Stewart
Nancy Davis Sandra Kay Phelps
Louise Matheson Kay Buaer
Margaret Jurgess
Bobette Jones
Yvonne La Clair
Jan Paschke
Robert A. Butzier
Kirt W. Smith
Lawrence "Larry" Jackson