The American Legion was chartered by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic veterans organization. Focusing on service to veterans, servicemembers and communities, the Legion evolved from a group of war-weary veterans of World War I into one of the most influential nonprofit groups in the United States. Membership swiftly grew to over 1 million, and local posts sprang up across the country. Today, membership stands at over 2.4 million in 14,000 posts worldwide. The posts are organized into 55 departments: one each for the 50 states, along with the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, France, Mexico and the Philippines.


Over the years, the Legion has influenced considerable social change in America, won hundreds of benefits for veterans and produced many important programs for children and youth. Following is a chronology of significant dates in Legion history:




       There shines the Emblem of The American Legion, it is your badge of 

        distinction, honor and service.


       It stands for God and Country, and the highest rights of man. Of its several

       parts, each has a meaning."


Elements of the emblem


Rays Of the Sun

The rays of the sun

The rays of the sun form the background of our proud emblem and suggests the Legion's principles will dispel the darkness of violence and evil.

The Wreath

The wreath

The wreath forms the center, in loving memory of those brave comrades who gave their lives in the service of the United States that liberty might endure.

The Star

The star

The star, victory symbol of World War I, also symbolizes honor, glory and constancy. The letters "U.S." leave no doubt as to the brightest star in the Legion's star.

The Two Large Rings

Outer rings

The larger of two outer rings stands for the rehabilitation of our sick and disabled comrades. The smaller inside ring denotes the welfare of America's children.

Two Small Rings

Inner rings

The smaller of two inner rings set upon the star represents service to our communities, states and the nation. The larger outer ring pledges loyalty to Americanism.

The Words American Legion

American Legion

The words American Legion tie the whole together for truth, remembrance, constancy, honor, service, veterans affairs and rehabilitation, children and youth, loyalty, and Americanism.

Support Us

 American Legion Post 16

 welcomes any kind

of volunteer support.

 If you would like to help

out, please contact us

for a list of our needed volunteer opporitunities.





American Legion Post 16 Lapeer
 1701 West Genesee St.
Lapeer, MI 48446


Phone: 810 664-9312








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MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Credit Card, Advance Payment, cash or check


Office Hours

Our business hours

Office Hours

Monday: Closed

Tuesday - Friday 

9:00 AM. - 3:00 PM


by appointment only






Monday - Thrusday 2 - 9 pm 

Friday -Saturday - 3 pm - 9 pm.









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© American Legion Post 16 Lapeer